MARVEL participated in the Smart City Expo World Congress 2023,...
Read MoreMultimodal Extreme Scale Data Analytics for Smart Cities Environments
Empower smart city authorities to better support their citizens!
MARVEL aspires the convergence of a set of technologies in the areas of AI, analytics, multimodal perception, software engineering, HPC as part of an Edge-Fog-Cloud Computing Continuum paradigm, to support data-driven real-time application workflows and decision making in modern cities, showcasing the potential to address societal challenges very effectively.
By addressing the rising challenges in the Big Data Value chain regarding data acquisition, data analysis and processing, data storage and curation, and data visualisation. By prioritising and strengthening open science and open data through sharing a Data Corpus to drive research and innovation in multimodal processing and analytics. Last but not least, by engaging citizens to promote breakthrough innovation.
MARVEL Objectives
Leverage innovative technologies for data acquisition, management, and distribution to develop a privacy-aware engineering solution for revealing valuable and hidden societal knowledge in a smart city environment.
Deliver AI-based multimodal perception and intelligence for audio-visual scene recognition, event detection and situational awareness in a smart city environment.
Break technological silos, converge very diverse and novel engineering paradigms and establish a distributed and secure Edge-to-Fog-to-Cloud (E2F2C) ubiquitous computing framework in the big data value chain.
Realize societal opportunities in a smart city environment by validating tools and techniques in real-world settings.
Foster the European Data Economy vision and create new scientific and business opportunities by offering the MARVEL Data Corpus as a free service and contributing to BDVA standards.
Societal Challenges
One of the goals of a smart city is the endeavour to enhance citizens’ quality of life by investing in IT solutions.
However, while using different types of IT solutions increases wellness and wellbeing, there are still numerous societal aspects that people in general are increasingly anxious about, namely increase of city control, defence against terrorism attacks, criminal incidents and natural disasters, traffic management, favouring economic development etc.
Hence, smart city solutions need to be envisioned not only from a technical perspective but also from a societal perspective with the aim to understand the impact of the technology in people’s lives.

Audio-visual monitoring has significant impact on surveillance for public safety and security.
Potential safety hazard is heightened for crowded public areas like drinking bars and the places for recreation and leisure, especially during night-time.
Based on novel methods, approaches and engineering paradigms in multimodal audio-visual data management and processing, MARVEL will showcase the potential to address civic challenges very effectively, from increasing public safety and security to analysing traffic flows and traffic behaviour

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 957337. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.