Multimodal data collection and analysis in Malta

Maltese authorities are constantly working to ensure that Malta’s transport infrastructure serves its citizens, while meeting the needs of present and future generations with respect to economic, social, and environmental aspects. Over the years, Malta has seen significant investments in digital technology, resulting in huge amounts of data being generated from many sources.
Improved road networks used intelligently and responsively to real time changes help reduce emissions, improve road safety, and assist policy makers as well as transport solution providers. Currently decision-making based on video data feeds is subject to human limitations.
This case study with Maltese road data will automate data processing for the demonstration of a technologically interconnected environment, commonly referred to as a smart city.
Existing solutions react to the real-time traffic situation on a macroscopic level,they tend to give similar driving directions to individual drivers without taking into consideration the prediction due to incidents, e.g., an accident on a main road will have a spill-over effect. By making full use of available data sources, traffic flow can be adjusted to avoid bottlenecks.

The goal of the experiment is to:
- Enhance computer-aided traffic management with multimodal data collection and analysis related to traffic flow, direction, and
- Assist in short term decision-making, g., using alerts and variable message signs.
- Offer a degree of automation in long-term decision-making to enable “origin-destination” trips on the network, study traffic flow (including its direction and behaviour over time), and predict possible problems by making use of external information (e., weather or traffic accidents).
- Use automated monitoring to detect anomalous events and flag them for the attention of control room personnel.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 957337. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.