INTERPOL Cybercrime Knowledge Exchange - Insights from our ethics and legal partner!

We are proud to announce that as of October 2021, Privanova, our ethics and legal partner has gained access to INTERPOL’s Cybercrime Knowledge Exchange (CKE). As part of the wider effort to curb cyber crime, the INTERPOL’s Cybercrime Knowledge Exchange represents a secured digital environment facilitating continuous communication and intelligence exchange between police forces and other stakeholders on global cybercrime-related issues.
Having a partner being a member of this platform is of great benefit to the whole MARVEL consortium since security, privacy and data protection is of major importance and relevance to our project with a dedicated subsystem being developed to support it. Any piece of knowledge that would make the related assets and methodology better is highly appreciated.
What is the INTERPOL Cybercrime Knowledge Exchange?
The INTERPOL Cybercrime Knowledge Exchange platform is a component of INTEPROL’s Cybercrime Collaboration Services and is positioned as one of the key elements of the organisation’s Global Cybercrime Strategy.
This dynamic database serves also as a secured collaboration channel empowering stakeholders around the world to discuss the latest cybercrime trends, prevention strategies, detection technologies and investigation techniques with authorized colleagues globally.
The inclusion of different non-operational stakeholders in the information exchange is crucial for the CKE’s success. Cybercrime investigations are very specific. Due to the fact that cybercrimes often involve numerous victims across different jurisdictions with the evidence being held by the operators of the Internet infrastructure – which are in most cases privately held companies – cybercrime investigations require multi-stakeholder cooperation. For this reason, INTERPOL grants access to its infrastructure to a selected number of relevant private entities such as Privanova which bring added value to the police forces of its 194 Member Countries.
Read more about this update here.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 957337. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.