MARVEL sponsoring the European Big Data Value Forum

The flagship event of the European Big Data Value and Data-Driven AI Research and Innovation community took place on the 29th of November until the 3rd of December and MARVEL project was proud to be sponsoring it!
Organised by the BDVA and the European Commission (DG CNECT), the European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) brings together industry professionals, business developers, researchers and policy-makers from all over Europe and other regions of the world to advance policy actions, and industrial and research activities in the areas of Data and AI.
Every year a selection from the community inspiring sessions is made, giving the floor and space to discuss the hottest topics of the field. EBDVF 2021 theme was “Digital Transformation powered by Data and AI”.
This year due to the pandemic restrictions most of the event was held virtually. The event had 1494 registered users who got exposed to MARVEL and its topic (in the context of the sponsors’ dissemination package provided by the organizer). The MARVEL virtual booth was among the most popular ones and it was visited by more than 160 people for more information.
If you didn’t manage to attend the event and/or there are sessions you would like to (re)watch, you can find them all available here!
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 957337. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.