Freshly published: Robust Latent Representations via Cross-Modal Translation and Alignment

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The authors are Vandana Rajan, Alessio Brutti, and Andrea Cavallaro and they will present the results in the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP). The conference will take place in Toronto on the 06th until the 11th of June, 2021.

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Enabling energy efficient machine learning on a Ultra-Low-Power vision sensor for IoT

he Internet of Things (IoT) and smart city paradigm includes ubiquitous technology to extract context information in order to return useful services to users and citizens. An essential role in this scenario is often played by computer vision applications, requiring the acquisition of images from specific devices.

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Living-in.EU: Digital Transformation in the European Cities

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The initiative for boosting sustainable digital transformation in cities and communities in the EU was introduced in 2019. Supported by the European Commission and the European Committee of the Regions, it is a platform to cope with the aforementioned challenges and utilizing digital solutions to make the cities climate neutral and work together on societal challenges in a ‘European Way’.

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MARVEL as a reference project in the Open Day for ERASMUS+ KA2 Project BENEFIT!

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Already within the first month after its kick-off, MARVEL has inspired 50+ participants of the Open Day for ERASMUS+ KA2 Project BENEFIT, including representatives from the Serbian Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Rutgers University, Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt, University of Ljubljana, and other project Consortium members. MARVEL was presented in the Open Day as a reference project in the field of signal processing and Artificial Intelligence regarding the collaboration among Higher Education Institutions and the industry!

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